Friday, March 12, 2010

Where I Am Right Now

Right now, I am at work: spiritually, literally, and mentally.

I'm sitting in the lounge of my office at 8:10 p.m., when I told myself I would definitely leave by 7:00. While evaluating an Intellectual Dialogue Seminar (I like the sound of that) I facilitated with my students I began to assess my teaching weakness. True to Paulo Freire, I didn't want to simply deposit information into their brains. I wanted them to participate in their own education. We definitely were conversing, though I'm not sure Freire's definition"dialogue" (action + reflection) came to fruition. I also wanted to introduce the DuBois' double consciousness  to them and I'm not sure they completely got it, but I felt myself a little stuck as to how to make sure they get it. Hence, my need to touch up my teaching skills. So I started looking up Graduate or Certificate programs that might help.

...Then I was on the phone with my ex-boyfriend, trying not to ask him if he's coming out here. When I know he probably shouldn't. I should actually go home and turn off all technology for a minute. Turn on some music (maybe not all technology), light my candle, read my Bible, talk to my Father, journal, clean my room, take a nice long shower. Then maybe before it's all said and done. Send a few emails and go to bed.

No online shopping for my apartment, looking at the same things I've looked at a million times. No talking on the phone, unless it's a brief check-in with my nephew who is in the hospital.

Just be home. The way God wanted me to be in January. Do some action and reflection of my own.

Home. Alone, but never by myself.

1 comment:

  1. hey hon! I understand how u feel...its like there is so much I want to do. I just feel like I need to take a step back and analyze myself..I know God doesnt give us things that we cannot bare, so lets remain in prayer and keep our heads up! :D
